Saturday, July 4, 2009

Day 35 - A relaxing day at Meersburg

We decided to stay in Meersburg and go swimming for the day.  After breakfast, we took a walk to check out the pool and thermal baths but discovered a putt-putt course on our way.  So, of course, we had to play.  It was a little different since they don't use artifical turf but a flat rubberized material.  It made playing more challenging but just as fun.  After lunch, Jack, Jackson and Grace went to the swimming pool while I took a tour of the Old Castle which claimed to be the oldest inhabitant castle in all of Germany.  It was a great castle to tour.  There were lots of knights of armor, swords and a dungeon.  Pretty gruesome.  Here a prisoner was pullyed down to the bottom of cement tower and starved to death.  They have found carvings on the wall from previous occupants including someone etching the number of days.  Later, I joined the everyone at the pool.  It was a very nice day.

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