Thursday, May 28, 2009

Day 3 - visit to Musee d'Orsay

Today we were off to a slow start.  For the first time in Jackson's life, he slept until 10:30 am.  We meet Jack on Rue Cler for some Chinese food.  A very nice pedestrian street with nice shops and restaurants.  We meet a very nice expat (for over 50 years) and his friend.  Afterwards we started our walk to Musee d'Orsay.  There were many policemen dressed up in full gear.  Apparently, there was a major demonstration which Jack says has been happening everyday.  Today, tons of tires were set on fire.  It was rather large as you can see from the picture we took right next to Seine looking at the Palace.  The kids endured the museum longer than I thought.  Jackson liked the haystack painting by Monet and Pissarro's style.  Grace loved the dancers by Degas.  We had such a great time we ate dinner at the cafe in the museum. 

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