Saturday, June 27, 2009

Day 32 - Strasbourg

We arrived in Strasbourg  and took a taxi to our hotel.  Our room was #209. We did not get our room after 1 hour which we spent eating breakfast. Breakfast took 1 hour.  Day 33's breakfast was in our hotel(hotel regent petit france). Day 32's(this day) breakfast was not. -by jackson

We spent the day exploring beautiful Strasbourg. The architecture reflects the combination of cultures and eras in Alsace. The ornate cathedral, another Notre Dame, parts of which are a thousand years old, was all-around stunning and very well preserved. We took a boat tour around the city canals and especially liked rising up and down in the lock. We ate at an Alsacian restaurant on the canal.

Day 31 – Beach, Marina, & Overnight Train

Today we spent the time at the beach and visited the Archeological Museum, with pottery, glass, and bits of city plumbing from more than 2000 years ago.  We then walked along the boats in the harbor, which locals say is the largest pleasure-boat harbor in Europe. (They also say that water-skiing was invented in Antibes.) The kids loved the boats. Finally we got on the train at 8:23 PM at Antibes--and arrived in Strasbourg at 8:23 AM.  We had our own couchette with bedding and everything.  It was very exciting.  Jackson and Grace started the night on the top bunks.  As the train snaked around sharp turns we convinced Grace to sleep on the bottom.  Based on the amount of jerking, we were surprised that Jackson made it through the night on the top.  In the morning, we woke up at Strasbourg.  It was a memorable experience.

Day 30 - Beach, Play, Eat, Beach

Today was a day at the beach, then a nice dinner at a restaurant that the Minnillos recommended when they were here a week earlier.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Day 29 - Beach & Cap d'Antibes Walk

Another good night's sleep and a fun, lazy day at the beach with perfect weather and (today) lots of jellyfish. Across the bay from the beach you first see the peninsular Old Town, then Nice, and then the Maritime Alps, topped with snow. In the evening we took a 3-hour walk along Cap d'Antibes. The cape is home to some of the most beautiful views (and real estate) anywhere. The kids were troopers.

Day 28 - Antibes' Beach & Old Town

After a good night's sleep, we spent the first half of the day on the beach and the second half in Old Town--narrow streets, well-preserved stone buildings, and a beautiful walk along the sea. Jackson and Grace had fun at a playground. There are excellent playgrounds all over--center of town and along the beaches with fabulous views. For dinner we ate at a pizza bistrot on the beach next door; the place is owned by the brother of a former flame of Julia Poger, whom it was not only great to see but who herself has also turned into a kind of theme of our trip.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Day 27 - From Paris to Antibes

We had lunch at Le Bleu Express at Gare de Lyon, hopped on a TGV, said au revoir to Paris, and headed to the beaches of Antibes for some much needed R&R. The kids could not have been more excited to play on the beach when we arrived after 8 p.m., just in time to catch the sunset.

Day 26 - Le Vésinet

Today we went to a very nice suburb, Le Vesinet, a sister city of Oakwood.  Le Vesinet has La Fete Marqurite festival each year and celebrates their sister city associations around the world.  We played ambassadors for a day.  The kids were a bit bored during the 45-min. ceremony of mayors etc. talking in French, German, Spanish, and the Queen's English but rallied when we took a paddle boat ride around the lake. After that Jack visited a rare book store, Jean de Bonnot, that Julia Poger recommended. The proprietor (pictured in her office) ended up taking Jack on a tour of the building, which was built under Louis XIV. Jack bought the book he went there for, a copy of the Tao Te Ching made for JdB, who edited it. That evening we went back to Paris to have a farewell dinner with Nana and Papa.  It was a great meal at Bistro Le Bosquet.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Day 25 - Montmarte

Today we played in Montmarte.  We took the funiculaire to the top of Montmarte.  It was the fastest way and we were hungry for food. Had a good meal then saw Sacré Coeur, where Jackson and Grace served as tour guides on the walk to the top for Nana and Jack. Wandered more around Montmartre, had ice cream, bought souvenirs, stopped at a très Paris café for cappucino and tartes. The bread is for Cousin Carl, complements of Grace.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Day 24 - Champs-Elysees and Arc De Triomphe

We got a slow start today.  We took the bus to the Champs-Elysees and lazily walked along it.  We didn't get far when the Renault store caught Jackson's eyes so we stopped in for a look.  Jackson watched a video on new technology about the front window of a car.  Gracie decided we needed to eat at the restaurant so we did.  It was the most relaxing meal with the kids.  The maitre d' actually spoke to the children and made them feel very welcome.  Immediately the kids were given color pencils, a booklet with activities and erasures.  I couldn't believe it when I saw 3 choices on the kids "enfants" menu.  After spending a good 2 hours, we headed to the Arc De Triomphe.  The kids decided they have climbed enough steps on this trip so we just enjoyed sitting underneath it and watching the traffic.  It is a very busy intersession.  There is lots of entertainment for everyone.  Later, we had the goodbye dinner with the UD students.  Nana, Papa and Bill Schoelwer joined us.  We practically took every table in the place.  It was a very good meal.  

Day 23 - Sainte Chapelle

Jack had final exams today so we were on our own for the day.  We took Nana and Papa to Champ de Mars to play catch.  Afterwards, we took a relaxing boat ride to Sainte Chapelle which is on the Ill-de-la-Cite island.  It was time for a snack so we took Nana and Papa to the ice cream shop on Ill St. Louis.  While they had lunch, we ate ice cream.  Jackson had wild strawberry sorbet.  It was delicious.  We made it to St. Chapelle.  Although it was a little cloudy, it was incredible.  All the stain glass with intricate designs were breathtaking.  The chapel was built in the 13th century to house the "Holy Relics" including the Crown of Thorns acquired by King Louis IX.  At night, Jack and I went on a night boat ride with the students and had drinks at a Canadian bar.  If was fun to watch all the Parisians picnicking on the Seine at sunset.  The students were planning to stay up all night to see the sun rise at the Eiffel Tower.