Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Day 15 - Napoleon's tomb and Musee de l'Armee

Today, Gracie and I stayed home while Jackson explored Paris with his cousins.  The family learned how quickly the RER doors closes.  When they reached their stop Francis, Kit, Nick and Jackson got out.  Luckily Aunt Joan jumped out in time to be with the kids.  As they waited for the rest of the group to return, Joan treated everyone to gummy worms.  After all that fun, they went to the Musee d'Orsay.  Jackson orchestrated a game with Sophia and Paul.  On the back of the museum program are universal signs such as "wc".  The aim is to find the most signs.  I believe they found all but one, "meeting place".  They took a walk to Napoleon's tomb located in Dome church and walked into Musee de l'Armee.  Afterwards, they did shopping and dining on Rue Cler.  They had a dinner at Cafe du Marche.  Everyone gave excellent reviews.  Jack was busy with classes and trying to catch up on some work.

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