Saturday, June 27, 2009

Day 32 - Strasbourg

We arrived in Strasbourg  and took a taxi to our hotel.  Our room was #209. We did not get our room after 1 hour which we spent eating breakfast. Breakfast took 1 hour.  Day 33's breakfast was in our hotel(hotel regent petit france). Day 32's(this day) breakfast was not. -by jackson

We spent the day exploring beautiful Strasbourg. The architecture reflects the combination of cultures and eras in Alsace. The ornate cathedral, another Notre Dame, parts of which are a thousand years old, was all-around stunning and very well preserved. We took a boat tour around the city canals and especially liked rising up and down in the lock. We ate at an Alsacian restaurant on the canal.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Jackson and Grace: What's the difference between the Cathedral of Notre Dame in Strasbourg and the one in Paris? -carl jr.
