Saturday, June 6, 2009

Day 12 - having dinner with Julia and Chris

Today was a rainy day.  All day the street below us transformed into a huge tailgate part without the tailgates. It was the National championship between 2 French teams, and fans dressed in their team colors jammed all the cafes and bars and streets, waving flags and singing.  It was a perfect day to stay indoors and get some much needed downtime.  In the afternoon, Julia, my roommate from Washington DC, came over.  She lives in Brussels and is in town with her husband Chris for work.  It had been 10 years since we last saw her.  Later, we meet Julia and Chris for dinner at Le Petit on Rue Cler.  It was a great dinner, probably the most relaxing one since we have been here.   Julia and Chris are lots of fun, and we are sorry we didn't get a picture.  On our walk home, the streets were congested again.  This time it was because President Obama was having dinner nearby.  We waited for a little bit because Gracie wanted to see him, but Jackson was anxious to get home to check out the Indians game 1-1 when I checked,L 2-4 final. Attached here is another video from yesterday's trip to Disneyland.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jackson! Chris and I were really pleased to meet you and Grace. We
    felt really priviledged to have dinner with a math wizard and
    Tinkerbell. We hope we get to see you all again soon, and that another
    10 years doesn't have to go by first!
