Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Day 26 - Le Vésinet

Today we went to a very nice suburb, Le Vesinet, a sister city of Oakwood.  Le Vesinet has La Fete Marqurite festival each year and celebrates their sister city associations around the world.  We played ambassadors for a day.  The kids were a bit bored during the 45-min. ceremony of mayors etc. talking in French, German, Spanish, and the Queen's English but rallied when we took a paddle boat ride around the lake. After that Jack visited a rare book store, Jean de Bonnot, that Julia Poger recommended. The proprietor (pictured in her office) ended up taking Jack on a tour of the building, which was built under Louis XIV. Jack bought the book he went there for, a copy of the Tao Te Ching made for JdB, who edited it. That evening we went back to Paris to have a farewell dinner with Nana and Papa.  It was a great meal at Bistro Le Bosquet.

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