Saturday, June 27, 2009

Day 31 – Beach, Marina, & Overnight Train

Today we spent the time at the beach and visited the Archeological Museum, with pottery, glass, and bits of city plumbing from more than 2000 years ago.  We then walked along the boats in the harbor, which locals say is the largest pleasure-boat harbor in Europe. (They also say that water-skiing was invented in Antibes.) The kids loved the boats. Finally we got on the train at 8:23 PM at Antibes--and arrived in Strasbourg at 8:23 AM.  We had our own couchette with bedding and everything.  It was very exciting.  Jackson and Grace started the night on the top bunks.  As the train snaked around sharp turns we convinced Grace to sleep on the bottom.  Based on the amount of jerking, we were surprised that Jackson made it through the night on the top.  In the morning, we woke up at Strasbourg.  It was a memorable experience.

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