Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Day 21 - Riding the subway

As we begin to wind down in Paris, we are trying to do our wish lists.  Jackson's was to ride all the Metro lines.  Since it was a very rainy day, we decided it was a great day to ride all of them.  Over breakfast, Jackson got out the Metro map and planned ll transfers before we could take a break at Musee de l'Orangerie.  We started our adventure around noon and exited the Tuileries stop at 2 pm.  We meet Jack, Nana and Papa at the Musee de l'Orangerie.  The art work in this museum is from the art dealer Paul Guillaume.  It is amazing collection and a good bridge between Impressionism and Modernism.  One the main floor is Monet's Water Lilies (Nympheas) in 2 oval-shaped rooms.  It was extremely impressive.  One felt like one was walking along the banks of the pond.  I found it to be very relaxing.  Afterwards we headed to Angelina's to try their hot chocolate, claimed to be the best in Paris.  The hot chocolate was very good but I don't think it was better than the ice cream shop on Ill St. Louis.  The service was awful.  We had to make one more transfer to complete our Metro excursion.  We ended up at our apartment and celebrated the Bauer's 46 wedding anniversary with dinner.  

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