Monday, June 15, 2009

Day 17 - Celebrated Mom and Mary's birthday

Today was our last day to enjoy our visit with the Fixlers and Mom.  We met them at the Musee Rodin.  We found Maddie and Paul taking pictures of "The Thinker".  Although, I never made it inside the museum, the outside gardens were lovely.  Many of his sculptures are outside surrounded by beautiful flowers and trees.  It was easy to get lost with time.  Later, Maddie, Francis, Kit, Mom and us headed to our apartment to prepare for a birthday dinner.  While Maddie took Mom to a jewelry store, the rest of us went to Lenotres for chocolate.   They didn't sell truffles but it was very good.  We picked up some fresh ravioli stuffed with spinach and cheese at Ravoli's on Rue Cler (10 dozen).  Cousin Bill came to dinner so we had a total of 16.  Mary and PJ brought the cheeses and wine for appetizers.  The cheese were very good.  One was a mild blue cheese, another was a strong goat and lastly a brie.  For wine we had both red and white.  Joan and Bob brought the desserts:  a chocolate cake, strawberry tart and a fruit cream cake.  There were no leftovers.  At 9 o'clock, Bill, Mom and PJ went home but a second party was just beginning.  The rest of us went to the Eiffel Tower.  It was packed with people.  We decided if we wanted to go to the top we needed to walk up to the 2nd level.  The kids enthusiastically climbed all 640 steps.  I learned that one shouldn't wear a Tinkerbell dress with wings when doing this.  It is hard to prevent stepping on the dress.  After waiting in several lines, we finally made it to the top at around 11 o'clock - just in time to watch the tower twinkle.  It was beautiful and worth the wait.  

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