Thursday, June 18, 2009

Day 23 - Sainte Chapelle

Jack had final exams today so we were on our own for the day.  We took Nana and Papa to Champ de Mars to play catch.  Afterwards, we took a relaxing boat ride to Sainte Chapelle which is on the Ill-de-la-Cite island.  It was time for a snack so we took Nana and Papa to the ice cream shop on Ill St. Louis.  While they had lunch, we ate ice cream.  Jackson had wild strawberry sorbet.  It was delicious.  We made it to St. Chapelle.  Although it was a little cloudy, it was incredible.  All the stain glass with intricate designs were breathtaking.  The chapel was built in the 13th century to house the "Holy Relics" including the Crown of Thorns acquired by King Louis IX.  At night, Jack and I went on a night boat ride with the students and had drinks at a Canadian bar.  If was fun to watch all the Parisians picnicking on the Seine at sunset.  The students were planning to stay up all night to see the sun rise at the Eiffel Tower.

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